What Is Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a concept in which a computer system mimics human behavior. It has been around for over half a century now, but has only recently begun to be applied to computer systems.

The history of artificial intelligence goes back to the 1950s, when it was first applied to the game of chess. This was not done by a computer at that time, but rather by a human who used his or her mind to calculate the best move to make.

In 1957, John McCarthy, one of the fathers of artificial intelligence, coined the term "artificial intelligence". He was an American professor and psychologist. His main goal was to develop a computer program capable of learning from experience.

By the 1960s, researchers began working on computers capable of solving logical problems. By the 1970s, computers were being used for simple tasks such as translating text and performing mathematical calculations.

It was not until the 1980s that the first true artificial intelligence programs were developed. In 1986, IBM's Deep Blue defeated world chess champion Garry Kasparov. In 1994, Deep Blue was surpassed by IBM's Watson. This is a computer system that can answer questions based on information contained within a database.

Since then, computer technology has improved significantly. In fact, computer systems are now capable of simulating almost any aspect of human behavior. For example, IBM's supercomputer Deep Thought was designed to simulate the behavior of a group of people. It was built with 1.4 million transistors and ran at 200 megabytes per second.

Nowadays, artificial intelligence has advanced to the point where computers can actually learn on their own. The best known examples of this are Siri, the virtual assistant developed by Apple, and Alexa, the virtual assistant developed by Amazon. These programs have been very popular since their release.

These programs are still in their infancy. They are not yet able to perform every task that humans can do. However, they are getting better all the time. So far, they are not as advanced as we would like them to be. But we can expect that they will get there in the future.